Thursday, June 26, 2008

Coming to the Surface

Nobody has ever before asked
the nuclear family to live all by itself in a box
the way we do.

With no relatives, no support,
we've put it in an impossible situation.

~Margaret Mead

I have not written a word here since November. It is now nearly July.

My objective had been to write intensely over the winter. That didn't happen. Winter gave way to spring, and spring to summer, and I am only now revisiting this work of mine. I could find reasons and make excuses, but like most things in life it has been a multi-faceted issue.

A friend told me the other night that when the thoughts were ready, the words would come. Perhaps that is true. Perhaps now my thoughts are ready, or are becoming ready. At any rate, here I am. I need to continue. Time is running out.