Saturday, March 22, 2014

Almost Three years

In just 5 more days we will see the 3rd anniversary of Daddy's death. I have come far in that time. The pain is no longer so raw and vicious. I miss him still, and I imagine that feeling will never go away.

My life has changed, as life does. I have moved from my home state back to my adopted state, and here I will stay. I may visit from time to time, but this is my home now. I have my true love, and have made a good life here.

I have made a new friend, and it is she who has prompted me to come back to this blog. She is an amazing and delightful woman who lives in Spain, and we have become friends through Facebook.  I feel a strong connection to her, as we are in many ways kindred spirits. Her mother-in-law is now suffering the horrors of Alzheimer's Disease. Please pray for her, and for her loving family, that they have the strength to endure.