Thursday, March 25, 2010

Doody, Redux OR: Sometimes Ya Just Gotta Laugh!

I used to believe in forever . . . but forever was too good to be true.
~Winnie the Pooh

One of the few parts of Daddy's personality that have survived the battle being waged in his brain is his sense of humor. Not often, but every now-and-again, a lightning bolt of comedy strikes. The other night was one of those times.

Mom, Daddy, & I had just finished dinner, and were still sitting at the kitchen table. "Jeopardy" was on, and we were all watching with varying degrees of interest. A question was asked concerning A. A. Milne and "Winnie the Pooh".

Daddy looked at me with "that" look on his face. "Winnie the Pooh, huh?" he asked me. I was already smiling, because I could see where this was heading. "Yeah, Dad, Winnie the Pooh" I answered.

With a big grin he said, " maybe THAT'S who's been stinking up my room!"

Yes, I know it's potty-humor on about a 2nd grade level. It still made me laugh out loud, which pleased Daddy to no end and made him laugh, too.

This little moments are what makes it bearable.......barely.

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