Sunday, May 2, 2010

Angels Among Us

Sit down, shut up and listen. * First things first *
Easy does it * One day at a time * Just for today * Hang In There
* Let go and let God

~Alcoholics Anonymous

I chose those quotes specifically because sometimes my intellectual arrogance gets in my way. In other words, I can be a big, fat, know-it-all. I have found that when it comes to Daddy's disease, I know next to nothing.

I spend a lot of time at the nursing home. I was resistant to him going at first, but now I see that there is no other viable option. I watch things closely, having a naturally suspicious mind. I not only watch how my father is being treated, I watch to see how all the residents are cared for.

I now shut up and listen, take it easy, and try to get through one day at a time. I can do this because of the wonderful people who work at the nursing home. They are, without fail, kind and gentle souls who honestly love their patients. The are tender and kind with the patients, friendly and helpful with the families.

I could not do what they do. I can hardly bear to see what they deal with some days. But I swear, if I had to pick the people to watch over my poor, sick old father, it would be the men and women at the nursing home. They are, without exception, angels on earth.

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