Sunday, February 6, 2011

Walter's Willie

Wee Willie Winkie rins through the toon,
Up stairs an' doon stairs in his nicht-gown,
Tirlin' at the window, crying at the lock
~William Miller
There is a resident at Daddy's nursing home named Walter. Walter is a very little old man, and looks astonishingly like the man from "Monopoly". He spends most of his time curled up quietly in his wheelchair, bothering no one.

That is, until one day while I was visiting Daddy I heard Walter muttering to himself. I happened to glance over, and Walter was sitting there with his pants completely down! I damn near died. Thankfully the nurse saw him, came over and yanked his pants back up, admonishing him NOT to do do it again. Well, she had no sooner turned her back than YANK! Walter had his pants down. She came back over and YANK! pulled them back up again. Once again, she turned away and YANK! Walter's pants were around his ankles. YANK! The nurse pulls them up. YANK! Walter pulls them down.

This went on for fully 15 minutes, until the nurse finally moved poor Walter out of the sitting room and into his own room, where presumably he could be happily naked. I was greatly relieved, to say the least. Any more of Walter's willie peeping out at me and I think I may have gone blind.

Apparently this is Walter's "thing" (no pun intended) because others in the family have been treated to the same vision as me. It's darkly funny, of course, but imagine how the poor man would feel if he were aware of what he was doing. Unless he used to be a flasher..........

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