Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Prayers

Bless us, oh Lord, and these, Thy gifts

Fortunately, our family has been blessed many times, and in many ways. We have been especially blessed to have a close, loving, and supportive family, and we were all together for Thanksgiving last week.

It was a quiet holiday spent at my sister's house, with the requisite football and overeating. It was a peaceful and loving day, and it seemed that each of us focused our day around Daddy, each in our own way.

I've noticed that, without a word being spoken about it, we are circling the wagons around Dad. It's difficult to describe, but each of us nurtures, supports, and protects him in different ways. It's good for him, of course, but it is also good for us as well. We have grown closer to our parents, and to each other, as a result of Daddy's Alzheimer's. It's a comfort to me to share that closeness with my siblings.

When it can time to say Grace Before Meals last Thursday, we all suffered together. Daddy, a devout Catholic for all his 85 years, has forgotten how to make the sign of the Cross and some of the words to Grace. We all covered, and Mom helped him out, but I know my brother and I were visibly in tears. I'm crying again now, remembering.


Give Voice said...

Can you send in a postcard with your thoughts on Alzheimer's?


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