Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Nature of Reality

Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
Removes the colours from our sight,
Red is gray and yellow white,
But we decide which is right.
And which is an illusion?
~The Moody Blues

I have been thinking more and more about the word "reality" these days, so I dusted off my Webster's and looked to see what they had to say. Webster's defines reality thus: "the quality or state of being real". I found it to be an intriguingly philosophical definition.

For most of us, reality is multi-layered; the tangible bits of our busy days, the anticipations and expectations of tomorrow, and the regrets and joys of yesterday. That is reality, no?

Maybe not. Maybe Daddy is the one with the firmest grasp of what reality truly is. He has no sense of the past or the future, he has only the "here-and-now". As a result, his reality is very tangible: how he feels at any given moment, what he sees, hears, thinks is all he is aware of.

Whose reality is real--his or ours? I have no idea at all.

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