Thursday, November 4, 2010

Damnable Metaphor

You can't pay enough money to cure that feeling
of being broken and confused.
~Winona Rider

Daddy has moved to his new nursing home, closer to home. He is even more discombobulated than ever, since he is in new surroundings. He doesn't have a sense of belonging to this place yet. That will come; of course it will just take some time for him to become acclimated.

He wanders around in his wheelchair. In his old placement he was safely comfortable, and knew everyone. "Rambling Man could have been written for him. He wanders here, as well. Here, though, he doesn't know how to get back to his room. He doesn't even know that his room is HIS.

In an effort to keep him from getting lost, I took a picture I had made and wrote his name and room number on the bottom. I posted it on the wall, at wheelchair-eye-level, so he can find his way back to his place. The picture I added to this post is the one I used for Daddy's sign.

Now if only I could find a way to post a sign that would direct his brain back to good health. Instead, I feel, once again, like I'm putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound. My Daddy's brain is lost; nothing I or anyone else can do will bring it back.

I cried all day today. Again.

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