Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fuck the Bird

Some hae meat and canna eat, -
And some wad eat that want it;
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
Sae let the Lord be thankit.
~Robert Burns

Why should I thank God, Robbie Burns? For fucking what--each holiday being worse and more stressful than the one before? What a great damn benevolent God ye hae' laddie.

I hate holidays. I've hated them since Daddy got sick. This bloody Thanksgiving makes me need to scream and rage. Daddy isn't here: why celebrate? He's dying slowly: why celebrate? He's spending his Thanksgiving--and every other holiday--in a nursing home: why celebrate?

I can't bear the thought of Thanksgiving without him here with us. If he were dead it would be different; this is a torturous limbo. I can't picture the table without him at the head. I can't picture him eating ground-up turkey in the group dining hall of a locked-down nursing home wing.

I hate this shit. And I can't "pray to a God that I don't believe in" to give me faith and love and joy. Fuck that noise. I'm just angry and depressed and not coping at all.

I have to stop. I"m crying to hard to see and shaking too much to type.

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