Sunday, September 23, 2007

At the Movies

A film should be more like music than like fiction.
It should be a progression of moods and feelings.
Stanley Kubrick

Last week I met my brother in the city, and we saw the new movie, "Across the Universe". The movie is difficult to explain. I suppose the best description would be to say that it is an anti-war hallucination set around the Beatle's music. It was magnificent, and seeing it with my brother made it even better. We had dinner afterwards at a great Italian place, and then I took the train back to the 'burbs. I loved being able to just spend time with him, doing something we both enjoy.

I'm pretty sure that the last movie mom saw in a theater was "The Sound of Music", and that was at the drive-in, with all of us in the back seat. She swears she falls asleep the minute the lights go out. Daddy, however, always enjoyed a good flick. He also enjoyed reading Tom Clancy books. Most of Clancy's work is too ponderous for me, but "The Hunt for Red October" and a few others I honestly enjoyed. It was something Daddy & I shared between us. When they began to be made into movies, Daddy & I would make a date to see them together. We would pick a theater halfway between their house and mine, and we would have lunch together, and then go to the movie together. We did this about once a year for quite a few years. It was always fun for both of us, and now it's a warm and special memory for me. I am so glad we spent that time together, particularly now that this is something else we will not ever be able to do again.

Seeing "Across the Universe" with my brother reminded me so much of the lunch-and-movie "dates" I went on with Daddy. It's another memory I will cherish. Thanks, brother. I love you.

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