Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Glass Half Full

Joy and sorrow are inseparable.
Together they come and when one sits alone with you ,
remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.
Kahlil Gibran

So I went to visit again. Mom wanted to shop, and I stayed with Dad. I made baked ziti with veggies, and baked Daddy cookies. Mom was thrilled to have a few hours to herself, and I know Dad enjoyed spending time with me.

There are so many times that he just seems lost, but that day there were many flashes of the real him shining through. He actually teased me! Funnier yet, was when we were eating dinner, which he obviously was enjoying, he looked at me and said, "this is really delicious, but where's the meat?" with a big smile on his face. Mom & I both cracked up. Here I was, thinking I was being slick and sneaking a vegetarian meal past him! I never could sneak ANYTHING past him! A few quips, and a couple of joking comments, and it was like spending time with the Daddy I remember.

It was a day that the glass was definitely half-full. It was a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I can certainly relate to this article. My dad was disabled from the time I was in elementary school, with a few years here and there where he was able to work. When the end was near, he suffered more and more from dementia besides his systemic vascular disease. I had one day when the glass was half full with him. It was the day before he lapsed into a coma for 3 weeks and passed away. I was the only one with him that day and I consider myself so fortunate to have been the one who could talk with him and see him that way. I know exactly what you are talking about! Great blog.