Saturday, September 29, 2007

Voicemail Hell: Hating Medicare

"We are experiencing
heavier than normal call volume......"

OK, so I called Medicare to get some information on the prescription plan. First I got lost in voicemail, then I was put on hold for an hour. Finally, a live person came on the line. I (mistakenly) thought I would get my questions answered. Instead, I was informed that if I left my phone number I would be called back. I'm a fairly trusting soul, so I gave them the number. I'm still waiting for the call. The next day I decided to try again, this time to find out what kinds of assistance is available for Daddy, and (most importantly) how to go about getting that assistance. Again, an hour on hold. Again, the live person told me that if I left my number they would return my call when they weren't quite so busy. Yeah, right. I said "no, thank you, I'll continue to hold" and was told that I couldn't continue to hold, since I'd been "taken out of queue". Can you imagine? Is this any way to run a country?

OK, I admit I flipped out a bit. Well, maybe more than a bit. When it was suggested that I go to the Medicare website, I think I told a little white lie and said I had no access to the Internet. ( I know that was a whopper! What can I say?) At least I did manage to get the information I needed. I think the poor man who was "helping" me may have thought I was completely insane. Maybe I scared him. Maybe he felt sorry for me. Whatever the case, I got the information I needed.

The point is this: how are people who may not be as
persistent as me, or as obnoxious, or as WHATEVER, supposed to find their way through this maze of bureaucracy? How about the people who actually NEED the services Medicare provides -- the infirm elderly -- what do they do without someone to advocate for them?

Your tax dollars at work. Makes you real proud, doesn't it?

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