Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday Lunch

We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink.

One of the constants in our childhood was always eating meals together. It was probably the only time we were all in the same place at the same time. Dinner was #1 on the "be there or else" list, but lunch on Saturday was close behind.

It was never a fancy meal, just sandwiches. Very often one or more of our friends joined us. There was lots of talking, and teasing, and laughing, and arguing. There were many times that I was frustrated at having to sit at the table with everyone else (and ask to be 'excused' when finished) but as an adult I long ago realized the value of family meals, and the bonds they strengthened. I know that eating at our house had a positive influence on other kids as well. Our parents didn't just love and teach us, they reached out to any child who came along.

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