Monday, October 22, 2007

Welcome Home

Where thou art, that, is Home.
Emily Dickenson

Mom was hospitalized for several days recently.While we were all frantic, Daddy was even more distressed. To add to the mix, he naturally couldn't remember where she was, why, or when she was coming home. He exhibited some of the Alzheimer's suspiciousness, questioning us and demanding that one of us "tell the truth about where Mom is". We did our best to comfort him, and keep his routines as normal as possible, but he was absolutely and completely a rudderless ship without her.

When she finally got home, Daddy's face lit up like a Christmas tree. His smile was one of total joy as he raised his arms for a hug and kiss. He said something along the lines of "I haven't seen you in so long, and I missed you so much!" She hugged and kissed him and they exchanged "I love yous". It was so beautiful, so tender, so wonderful to witness. Through it all, love is a beautiful thing.

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