Saturday, October 20, 2007

You must remember this

A kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by
Louis Armstrong

Mom hasn't been well recently. No one is quite certain what is wrong, but she is, most definitely, in poor health. She is not a person who complains about physical ailments; she never was. Daddy has been fretting about her, and has obviously been unable to do anything to help her.

The other day she was sitting on the couch, resting, her head back and eyes closed. Daddy came into the den from the kitchen. He now walks slowly and painfully, his left leg virtually useless from spinal stenosis and subsequent neuropathy. Of course, he doesn't use his walker properly, because he can't remember instructions.

He paused for a moment in the doorway, and watched my mother with a worried expression on his face. He crossed the room, and made his way over towards where she was sitting. When she realized that he wasn't going to sit in his chair, as he normally would, she sat up and asked him what he was doing. As he was trying to bend down to reach her, he replied, "I just wanted to give you a kiss". She rose up to meet him, and they shared a long embrace and several kisses, and she told him that she loves him. He answered that he loves her, too, and held her as closely as he could.

Thank God, Alzheimer's hasn't defeated the love they have shared for 60 years.

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