Monday, August 27, 2007

The Man of Her Dreams?

Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?
Christopher Marlowe

Mom told me a funny story yesterday. It was about how she met my father. I knew that they had been introduced by a mutual friend, but that was pretty much all I was aware of.

It turns out that she wasn't so crazy about the idea of a blind date, but had finally capitulated and agreed to a double date. The night BEFORE the planned date, Mom's doorbell rang and there was Dad and their mutual friend. It turns out he wanted to check her out first! Well, she agreed to go for a drink with them. She thought he was a knucklehead at first, because he and his friend were drinking beer and kept getting up to use the bathroom all night. Despite that, she still went out with him on the double date the next night. The rest, as they say, is history. It was 60 years on May 30th of this year.

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