Sunday, August 5, 2007

Strong Women, Strong Coffee

Sisterhood is powerful.
-Robin Morgan

I spent the day yesterday with my best friend, the sister of my heart, and her family.

After a very rough day on Friday, the circle of women made up of my friend, her daughter, and her daughter's two daughters was exactly what I needed. Being embraced by that circle helped heal me, calm my fears, ease my sadness, showed me love, and reminded me what joy looks like. They are as much my family as my "real" family is.

I needed knowledge and wisdom, and they gave it. I needed an ear, and they listened with their hearts. They nourished my both my body and my soul and gave me the strength and encouragement I very desperately needed. Two beautiful babies reminded me that unrestrained joy, love, and confidence are alive and well in the world, and that silliness is a vital piece of existence. I saw the wonder of the world in the baby's eyes as she took in all the sights and sounds around her. Two year old "Lola" already demonstrates the courage and confidence of a woman in so many ways, and her laughter is brilliant enough to brighten the world.

Sharing a few hours, dinner, and a cup of coffee renewed my spirit and gave me the strength to face the challenges I need to confront

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