Sunday, August 12, 2007


Never be indifferent to injustice.
Che Guevara

I am angry.

Not irritated, not annoyed. Think "rage" of Biblical proportions.

I am furious that my family is suffering due to Alzheimer's. I am even more furious that my father is suffering. I am furious that thousands of other families are suffering just as we are.

Life isn't fair. I realize that. My father has lived a long, productive and wonderful life. I've been blessed to have been his daughter, and to have had him with me as long as I have. That doesn't make me any less angry about the situation.

How can it possibly be that we are now in the 21st century and this disease has not been cured? At this moment there are basically only 2 drugs available for treating Alzheimer's, and all they are able to do is try to prolong the quality of life. We are living in the wealthiest, most highly advanced "civilization" in history, and THIS is how we allow our parents to die? Something is very very wrong with the picture.

How is that we have untold amounts of money to spend on "space exploration" (a/k/a sophisticated spying) and not enough to explore the human brain? Are you kidding me? Who sets the damned priorities?

Why is there limitless amounts of funding for a war nobody with an intellect supports, and yet compatatively minuscule amounts allocated to Alzheimer's research? Not only is the war Iraq eating up American tax dollars that could certainly be put to far more productive uses, that little debacle is killing Americans. So is Alzheimer's.

Why are we worried about being "politically correct" with illegal immigrants, and yet my father, a member of "The Greatest Generation", a true American patriot, and one of many who fought in WWII, being allowed to slip away as he is?

Where is the justice? We supposedly have a representative government, yet I honestly feel that none of the thieves and liars who run our nation, from the local to the national level, represent me, my father, nor anyone else affected by this disease. How DARE they waste our money as they do? They fatten their own wallets, and those of their associates, while a major health crisis murders the elders we should be revering. A former president of this great nation recently died of Alzheimer's. His family has spoken out publicly in support of stem-cell research, and yet the radical, religious right-wing conservatives have been allowed to control medical research. Why? How has this happened?

There are other health and social issues that also need to be addressed. I realize that, and I'm pretty damned angry about them as well. However, to me, this is the burning issue: how can we let our parents die without dignity? How can we prolong their lives, and yet do nothing to secure them quality of life? It's completely unacceptable, and I hold our government responsible. Our elected officials have a lot to answer for, and I am demanding answers!

Anybody got one? I'm listening.

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