Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Side Bar

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

All right, I know it's August, and no where near time for Christmas, but this popped up in my squirrel-infested brain today, so I am spitting it out through my fingertips tonight.

I shared a room with my younger sister for many years. Like all sisters, we fought like caged tigers half the time, but that was really just to balance the closeness we shared. Well, that and the fact that she could be a royal pain in the ass sometimes! (Just kidding, sis)

I imagine that Christmas is every child's favorite time of year, and she and I were no different from any other kids. Christmas Eve would always find us unable to sleep, restless in our beds while anxiously waiting for Santa to come. Mommy always told us to be quiet and to listen for the sleigh bells, and that when we heard them we would know Santa was finally on his way. Every year, we giggled and whispered and strained our ears for bells jingling. Every year we heard them, first one of us, then the other.

Here's the question: did we in fact hear sleigh bells. or did we just imagine them every year? The power of imagination in children is not to be underrated. However, I can't say for sure if we actually heard anything or not. I prefer to think we did. I can easily picture Daddy slipping outside and under our bedroom window, sleigh bells at the ready. I suppose I cold ask my mother if this is indeed what happened, or if my sister and I just conjured up the jingling out of our fervent young minds. I won't ask her, not now and not ever. I have no need to know.

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